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Created in 2015, the Instituto Água Viva is a non-profit social organization that operates in the Sertão do Nordeste, especially in the states of Bahia, Piauí and Pernambuco. The Sertão, in the semi-arid region, was chosen because it is an area of ​​extreme poverty and social vulnerability, where almost no government project is inserted, and the HDI indexes are among the worst in the country: an average of 0.550 and with income per capita below ½ minimum wage.

We chose to transform and impact the geography of a region with little support in Brazil and to be a bridge for other institutions in the struggle for the resignification and valorization of the backcountry.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We are based on four pillars:

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With these projects, we serve more than 2,000 children in an aggravating social risk situation, surrounded by physical and sexual abuse, with no educational perspective, and we provide school reinforcement with ballet, music, computer and literacy classes. The adults participate in income generation projects, such as caps, shirts and slippers factories, guitar factory, hydroponics, fish farming, fruit plantation. In all, more than 10,000 people are directly and indirectly involved in the projects.

Be jellyfish

The situation in the Sertão is critical. The sertanejos live the worst water crisis in the last 30 years. The water consumed in most communities is that of rain. In many cities and towns, families are below the poverty line. No water, no work, no food. 10-year-old children are already mothers, many 'sell' themselves for food and clothing. Sexual abuse is part of an infamous 'culture'.

The challenges are enormous. And we want to be hope in the midst of hopelessness.


We need and count on you! Join us !



Supporting the backcountry family to develop in an integral way, providing access to information and the discovery of potential for social, economic and educational development.


To be an agent that promotes changes in the social scenario of rural communities in the Brazilian hinterland through actions to raise awareness of citizenship and the recovery of human dignity.


Everything we do must be based on respect, transparency, equality, ethics, social justice and quality. By dedicating ourselves to these principles and values, we will be able to achieve all of our goals.


Carlinston de Lima Pereira


Emerson de Souza Campos

Diretor Administrativo

José Luiz Campos de Faria


Felipe Evangelista

Diretor Financeiro

Conselho Fiscal

Washington Luiz Ramos

Luiz Paulo Sodré

Francisco Ribeiro dos Santos

Map of



Apoiar a família sertaneja a se desenvolver de forma integral, proporcionando o acesso à informação e descoberta de potenciais de desenvolvimento social, econômico e educacional.


Ser agente promotor de alteração do cenário social das comunidades rurais do sertão brasileiro por meio de ações para a consciência de cidadania e do resgate da dignidade humana.


Tudo que fizermos deve ser baseado no respeito, transparência, igualdade, ética, justiça social e qualidade. Dedicando a esses princípios e valores, conseguiremos alcançar todos os nossos objetivos, cumprir a nossa missão e ser referência de agentes transformadores para toda a sociedade.

Fale com a gente!

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Supporting the backcountry family to develop in an integral way, providing access to information and the discovery of potential for social, economic and educational development.

Supporting the backcountry family to develop in an integral way, providing access to information and the discovery of potential for social, economic and educational development.

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